Friday 11 July 2014

Comprehensive Data Sheet Requirements for Exporters

for the attention of importers:

this document is intended for exporters in order to explain how to comply with Nigeria and approved international/ national standards. it is the responsibility of importers to inform exporters of the existence of the present procedure. verifications are executed at origin on seller or

exporter’s initiative; therefore importers are not required to initiate any process in Nigeria

1. standards organization of Nigeria conformity

assessment programme  for goods shipped to

Nigeria; visit their website for full details.

2. process of voc (on shipment basis) to comply with standards organization of Nigeria conformity

assessment programme requirements

in order for importers to clear their goods in Nigeria, importers need to have for every consignment of regulated products a certificate of conformity issued by cotecna to present at Nigeria customs

.the certificate of conformity can be obtained by exporters in the country of supply using three levels of compliance.


       route   a-for unregistered/unlicensed products (conformity verification)

following  this route towards obtaining the a certificate of conformity is advised only for infrequent exporters.

step 1; issuance of product certificate (pc)

the product certificate valid for six months is issued following successful testing of the product certificate of conformity. samples for testing are drawn from the shipment at the time of shipment inspection. the product certificate issued is valid for applicable shipment only.

step 2; sample testing

testing of samples should always be based on verification as per

applicable to Nigeria, international or national standards. test reports are acceptable only if issued by:

·accredited ISO 17025 laboratories

·manufacturer laboratory for testing witnessed by cotecna

step 3; certificate of conformity

the certificate of conformity is issued for the shipment following successful:

·request for certificate of conformity form duly completed


·consignment inspection and witness of stuffing and affixing of seals for full container load

·receipt of satisfactory final documents in the event of non-compliance with the testing and/or inspection requirements, the shipment shall be

issued a non conformity report

   route  b –for registered products (registration and   conformity inspection)

exporters who have demonstrated an acceptable level of compliance during shipment verification in route a and also have regular shipments to Nigeria are suggested to apply for standards organization of Nigeria conformity assessment program me

certification under route b.this route allows for registration of products following

·type testing of the products to determine conformity with the applicable standards

· assessment of the manufacturer’s quality system to ensure that the manufacturer has the necessary systems in place to produce consistently over a time the same quality product.

step 1 product certificate (registered status) the product certificate (registered status), valid for one year, is issued upon satisfactory audit of the manufacturer’s factory. manufacturer/exporter under route a could

also be elevated to route b based on a good compliance history (minimum of four fully compliant transactions)

step 2 testing

test reports provided are acceptable as long as these are issued by an

accredited laboratory or the manufacturer

(witnessed by cotecna). selective testing of samples from shipments will also be conducted by cotecna as per the standards organization of Nigeria conformity assessment programme guidelines

step 3 certificate of conformity

the certificate of conformity is issued for the shipment following:

·request for  certificate of conformity form duly completed

·submission of a valid product registration

·selective shipment inspection with the witnessing of stuffing and affixing of seals for full container load

·receipt of satisfactory final documents in the event of non-compliance with the testing and/or inspection requirements, the shipment shall be

issued a non conformity report.

      route c–for licensed products (product certification systems)

manufacturers who have regular shipments to Nigeria and/or those who have demonstrated an excellent level of compliance under route b are qualified to apply for product licensing under route c.

·salient features

·product evaluation and licensing to applicable standards

.selective consignment inspection

·witness of stuffing and affixing of seals for full container load

licensing of products is based on

·detailed product evaluation (including testing)

·factory audit and regular surveillance

step 1 product certificate (licensed status)

product certificate (licensed status), valid for one year, is issued upon satisfactory audit of the manufacturer’s factory.

manufacturers under route b could be elevated to route c based on good compliance history (minimum of four fully compliant transactions and two factory verifications)

step 2 testing

test reports provided are acceptable as long as these are issued by an approved laboratory or the manufacturer these should be for every product within the scope of the licensed product certificate.

step 3 certificate of conformity

the certificate of conformity is issued for the shipment following:

·request for certificate of conformity form duly completed

·submission of a valid product license

·valid test reports

·selective shipment inspection

·receipt of satisfactory final documents in the event of non-compliance with the testing and/or inspection requirements, the shipment shall be

issued a non conformity report.

3.products regulated under the standards organization of Nigeria conformity assessment program;

all products other than those exempted are regulated under the standards organization of Nigeria conformity

assessment program-me.

   .   products exempted from the standards organization of Nigeria conformity assessment program-me

products mentioned below:

·food products

·drugs (medicines)

·medicals other than equipment and machines

·chemicals used as raw material by bonefide manufacturers

·military wares & equipment

·goods classified as contraband by the federal government of Nigeria

·used products other than automobiles

·machinery or related spare parts for bonafide manufacturers who intend to use this for their own manufacturing

purposes are advised to apply to the son for standards organization of Nigeria conformity assessment programme import permit

5.fee; for the current fee we refer you to  visit their website for full details.


·  all costs incurred for presenting the goods for inspection, such as unpacking, handling, repacking, are borne by the exporter/seller.

·if the goods do not conform to the requirements, fees for physical inspection, testing and

non conformity report issuance  remain due to cotecna.

·this program is subject to the general terms and conditions of cotecna

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