Tuesday 12 August 2014


MANCAP was put in place by Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) in 2006 to ensure that
all manufactured products conform to the relevant Nigerian Industrial Standards (NIS) prior to
sales in the markets or export. The scheme is aimed at protecting genuine manufacturers
against unhealthy practices such as production of sub-standards products, faking and
counterfeiting as well as unfair competition in trade. It provides consumers with confidence that
products manufactured in the country are fit, safe and meet the intended use. It also ensures
that the environment is free from unnecessary wastes and pollution.
Products that are qualified under the scheme are issued with MANCAP certificates  and NIS
logos with unique identification numbers.


The broad objectives of the scheme include:

Ensuring that manufactured products comply with the Nigerian industrial Standards prior
to introduction into the market.

Preventing dumping of unsafe/counterfeited products in our markets.

Providing reliable records for identification and traceability of all locally manufactured
products in the country and to promote investment and trade of Nigerian products through

Inspiring confidence in consumers that products purchased will meet intended use.

Promoting quality awareness and hence wealth creation through reduction of waste in the
form of substandard products.

Preventing the production and sale of sub-standard and/or unsafe products to consumers
thereby protecting lives and property.

Ensuring that products purchased by consumers offer value for money while guaranteeing
safety of life and the environment.

Providing confidence that only products that meet the minimum quality requirements are
put for sale on the Nigerian market.

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