Thursday 17 July 2014


(a) Specification
Operations in the Oil and Gas industry are highly sophisticated and require technological know-how. Therefore they are classified into various areas of specialization as follows:

(i) Exploration service
(ii) Drilling service
(iii) Construction service
(iv) Pipeline/Production service
(v) Equipment supply service
(vi) Consultancy service
(vii) Laboratory service
(viii) Marine survey/cargo superintendence 
(ix) Marine/Special transportation services
(x) Pressure testing service
(xi) Calibration services.

(b) Requirements
Any company that wishes to participate in any of the above categories is required to satisfy the following minimum requirements:
(i) Complete the prescribed application form and Form F2a which are both obtainable from the Department of Petroleum Resources, stating clearly the specific areas of services to be rendered.
(ii) Pay the sum of twenty-five thousand naira (N25,000) in bank draft made payable to the Federal Government of Nigeria - DPR fees account: for application in respect of each of the eleven specializations above.
(iii) Give proof or show evidence of expertise and technical know-how in the specialised activities of the oil industry it has applied for. To this end, it is desirable that a profile of jobs previously handled or being handled by the applicant be supplied coupled with a list of equipment at the company’s disposal stating clearly their types and technical specifications.
(iv) Submit the company’s current Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) in the case of a limited liability company or the tax clearance certificate of one of the directors in the case of a sole proprietorship/partnership business firm.
(v) Submit an accident status report for the preceding year.
For registration/renewal of oil industry service companies that engage in calibration and pressure testing, marine survey and cargo superintendence, it is imperative that their facilities be inspected and expertise verified before accreditation. Also, the certification of all standard measures used for calibration service shall be verified.

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