Monday 18 August 2014


Since the 16th of October 2009, Nigeria Customs Service requests airlines and shipping lines to provide the “manifest electronically from the source, Central Server or Hub of the shipping line or airline as soon as the ship or aircraft calls at the last foreign port before Nigeria” (as said in the Gazette), here is the procedure to follow by the carrier in order to get on board with it.

Documents to be provided for the application:

A-   Airlines
-   Filled “EMI-User_Connectivity_Request_Form.doc” form.
-   Certificate of Incorporation.
-   Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) registration.
-   A written application has to be send to the CAC of the major airport of activity for the airline in Nigeria. This letter has to be signed by the CAC and joined to the other documents to process the application.

B-   Shipping Line
-   Filled “EMI-User_Connectivity_Request_Form.doc” form.
-   Certificate of Incorporation
-   NPA registration
-   Current NIMASA registration


Fill the form “EMI-User_Connectivity_Request_Form.doc” and send it duely signed and stamped by the requesting airline/shipping line's headquarters , joined with the requested documents (described above) to

The contact given on this request form will be considered as the airline/shipping line contact person, any question or further request should come from this person, unless a third party has been properly introduced by him/her (company's IT department, etc.).

After checking the identity and get the approval from NCS you will be notified to come and to collect your username/passwords letter from NCS at Yaba Zonal Command.
The procedure to do so is the following:

The person coming to collect the letter must come with an official introduction letter from the airline/shipping line requesting the usernames and password which must have the requesting company's official header, duly stamped and signed by the requesting airline/shipping line. This letter must mention the name of the company requesting the usernames/password, the name of the person coming to collect them and the ID card number or passport number of the person collecting them (therefore this person has to come with the mentioned identification document). This letter has to be addressed to :

“the Officer in Charge of ASYCUDA Coordination, Yaba Zonal Command”.

This letter will be collected from Mr. David Edward between 09:00 and 16:00 only.

If one of these elements is missing from the letter, or if there is no possible way to confirm the identity of the person collecting the document, the usernames and password will not be delivered. Here is the address of the Zonal Command:

“Nigeria Customs Service, Zonal Command, Harvey Road, Yaba, Lagos.” 

The letter which will be collected contains four usernames/passwords :

eManifest Interface
Customs website
a. and b. are for VPN connection :

You need to download VPN software from the “Downloads” section
You need then to install and configure it according to the manual that you will find in “Downloads” section (this configuration step will need you to use passwords a. and b. )
c. is the username/password for eManifest interface , which therefore will have to be replaced in the “” file (included in the eManifest folder which is included in the file)

for installation and messages structures , please refer to the documentation “WFN-SIG-EMI-00043v1.5-eManifest-Installation-and-usage-Guide” which is available for download in the “Downloads” section the username/ password for customs website, where you can find all the reference data (Codes lists, automatically updated by the system)

You need to login on customs web site ( - but this can only be done once you have collected your usernames and passwords) where you can find all the codes under the following path: E-SERVICES > Reports > Codes lists
Note : please make sure your carrier code exists in the asycuda_carriers.csv codes list , if it is not please write an official request to our support team ( to follow it up . 
Indeed, each carrier is supposed to submit manifests using only his own carrier code .

Download the latest eManifest interface version from the “Downloads” section
To the ones who have been given the installation CD, if you don,t have yet the latest updates, please download the latest version of provided documentations and software from the “Downloads” section.

Development/configuration of your system/software in order to be able to generate manifest/BOLs in the correct XML format, and handle the XML response messages.
This is the main part and it needs to be done on your side. Meanwhile you will have access to NCS test server , to test your system/application. Technical support will be provided if needed, the contact information for it are given at the end of this page. 
At this stage you will need to use the test environment certificate stored in the "Test Environment" file, which is in the "" file, by replacing the existing one in eManifest/config/" folder. The certificate in "Production Environment" must (and can only) be used once granted access to production environment after completing the test phase.

After concluding test, you need to send the test results in statistical format (the form “eManifest Test Results.xls” is available in the Downloads section ) in order to get access to the production environment. 
There, once you have been notified that you can now communicate with production environment, replace the certificate in "eManifest/config/" folder with the one stored in the "" file.
It is important to understand that no airline/shipping line will be given access into production environment unless this form is duly filled and sent to

Please consider and follow the following for further communications :

The communication will be performed only through official emails, please contact us using your official e-mail addresses (the one provided by your company, not @yahoo , @gmail , etc...) , the requests coming from non-official sources will not be followed.
If any third-party IT team or some other company is working for you and has/rises questions/issue , please before forwarding the question to us, introduce them properly (i.e.: introduce the company taking charge of the technical aspect for you, its authorization level to deal with this project , if they are your service provider etc.) and please let us know (as mentioned in the first paragraph)
e.g. “Speed Handling Service” is our head office and further clarifications and developments should be done for them.

The person who has contacted NCS first has the responsibility of updating the company this person is representing and to follow these instructions.

Please review documentation, list your questions and the clarifications that you might need (directed from your appropriate IT, Operations , etc... departments)
For any other questions please contact our support team

Phone :+234(0)98700871
Skype :wfnsupport

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