Tuesday 12 August 2014

Seed Industry Development, Technical Support and Commercial Services Department.

    (i)     Development and Promotion of a viable seed industry with greater private sector participation.
    (ii)     Identification, development and provision of technical support to small, medium and large-scale seed enterprises.
    (iii)     Organize seed promotional programmes to encourage the use of high quality seeds by farmers.
    (iv)    Development of Community based seed programmes
    (v)    Promotion of seed marketing and distribution.
    (vi)    Identification and promotion of commercial sable activities


1.    Technical Support Services Division

i.    Provision of advisory/seed extension services

ii.    Production of Technical Briefs/Profiles

iii.    Organization of seed demonstration / promotional trials

iv.    Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

2.     Enterprises Development &Commercial Services division
i.    Promotion of small and medium scale seed enterprises

ii.    Preparation of feasibility Studies/Reports

iii.    Development of Community based seed programmes

iv.    Seed Market Information System.

v.    Training in Seed Enterprise Development

vi.    Collaboration with Cooperatives, Farmer Based Organisations

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