Saturday 16 August 2014

Investment Opportunities By Sector As Outlined By Nigeria Export Processing Zone Authority

There are over 2000 industrial establishments in the country. Among these are a giant oil industry, Iron complexes, steel rolling mills, pharmaceutical industries, food processing, car assembling and the up-coming Export Processing Zones (EPZs). Govemment economic policy favours and places priority on greater investment in agricultural production and manufacturing and exports of production, abundantly skilled and versatile human resources and access to a vast local market of over 100 million people and beyond in the sub-region. Sectoral highlights are addressed in the section below:
Areas for Investment

Textile & Garments
Electrical & Electronics
Food Processing
Wood Products & Furniture
Plastics & Rubber Products
Fertilizer & Petroleum Plants
Agricultural Farms & Processing
Steel & Aluminum
Automobile Assembling & Automotive components
Oil & Gas
Recycling of products
Cosmetics & Chemical Products
Leather and Handicrafts Products
Logistics & Warehousing services
Printing Materials & Office Equipment
Machinery, Equipments & Metal Products
Ship Building & Repairs
Power generation & supply
Estate Development and more!!!

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