Saturday 16 August 2014

The Nigerian Export Processing Zones Authority

is a Federal Government Agency under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment, and was established in 1992 following the enactment of the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Act 63, of 1992.
The Agency is responsible for promoting and facilitating local and international investments into licenced free zones in Nigeria.

The Free Zone scheme was set up to strategically improve the investment climate by stimulating export oriented business activities through strengthening strategic national economic policies, streamlining administrative approval processes and providing a one-stop-shop service for businesses both within and outside Nigeria.
Pursuant to the vibrant transformative economic programmes of the Federal Government, the activities of the Authority has been strenghtened and this has led to the establishment of 25 Free Zones spread across the country. Some of the Zones cater for a specific area of economic enterprise while others are more general in nature. There are currently over 300 licenced free zone enterprises operating in the various zones across the country.
The overall objective for adoption of free zones in the country is to create an enabling environment aimed at enhancing economic growth and development of export oriented manufacturing in the non-oil sector of the economy, as well as the propagation of the Nigerian content policy in the oil & gas sector in order to diversify the country's economic base, attract foreign direct Investment (FDI), generate employment, increase foreign exchange earnings, enhance technology transfer, skill acquisition/upgrading as well as create backward linkages.
Since the inception of the scheme, Nigeria's economy has witnessed tremendous patronage and steady growth through FDI inflow and revitalization of local industries.
NEPZA administers the incentives for all the variants of the Free Zones ranging from Export Processing Zones, Free Trade Zones, Border Free Zones, Export Farms, Science and Technology Parks, Tourism and Resort centers, and other more specific specialized free zones. A zone can be operated by the public or private sector or a combination of both.
Our cardinal objective is to ensure that our client's operational and strategic objectives are realised through responsive, cost effective and efficient services and instant pragmatic solution to their needs.
Our Mission
To establish, license, regulate and operate highly efficient free zones by providing a highly competitive incentive scheme, excellent support facilities and service for the purpose of creating an enabling environment for export manufacturing and other commercial activities."
Our Vision
To be the most investor friendly free zone service provider."

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