Friday 4 July 2014

Scale And Structure Of Meat Production In India

For processed meat and poultry industry in India, the demand- drivers are hygiene, quality and food safety. However, significant investment is required to achieve high standards. Rising per capita consumption in domestic market and increase in global demand open us new opportunities to Indian meat, fisheries and poultry industry to adopt modern technologies in production, preservation, processing, value addition and
consumer packaging, apart from more investments in this sector.

Indian Meat Industry And Trade
India is set to become world's largest meat exporter, while in production -- 5.5 million tonnes valued at Rs. 83,600 crore in 2011-12 -- it ranks eighth. The demand for Indian buffalo meat is increasing continuously because of its lean character and near-organic nature.
There is huge demand for Halal meat, the market for which is growing rapidly throughout the world, specifically in the Middle East. Besides India, Brazil, America and Australia have substantial market share in Halal meat industry. Halal meat by-products in India include Casings, Crushed Bone Grist, Gelatin, Sausages, leather and other products.

Among the focus areas for promotion of Halal meat production and trade are pre-and post-slaughtering procedures to ensure quality, strategies to increase Halal meat's share in global market, livestock management and slaughterhouse automation. Equally important are use of modern machinery, packaging solutions and tools as well as training.
Per capita meat consumption in India is low -- around 5 kg as compared to the world average of 47 kg. This shows the huge potential for expansion. The meat industry is likely to grow at a good pace, say, at a compound growth rate of 8% over the next five years. The processed meat industry is growing even much faster, at about 20%.

New Abattoirs:
Considering the increasing demand for buffalo meat, Government of India has commissioned three modernized abattoirs in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Shimla. The Government has plans to set up 25 more new abattoirs, including modernization of existing ones, in the on-going 12th Plan at a cost of Rs.240 crore.

India ranks third in the world in fish production and second in inland fish production. Processing of marine fish offers immense potential. Fish processing is at present mostly done for export. Processed marine products for export include conventional block frozen products, individual quick frozen products and minced fish products like fish sausages, cakes, cutlets and pastes. Technological advancements in this sector have created immense scope for investment.
Technological advancements in this sector have created immense scope for investment.

In the world poultry market, India ranks ninth. The domestic poultry industry is the fastest growing segment with a compound growth rate of 15%. Being the most popular meat in India, poultry meat has been receiving significant boost through investments. Latest techniques of breeding, hatching, rearing and processing have transformed the poultry sector tremendously. Popularization of hybrid poultry breeds, thanks to efforts by both government and private sectors, has brought in more profits. Poultry meat production in India is estimated at about 2.47 million tonnes. Exports of poultry products are currently worth about Rs 457.8 crore. .

Egg production has increased from 30 billion in 2000 to 66 billion in 2012, with per capita egg consumption increasing from 28 to 55 per year during the period. India now ranks as one of the fastest growing major world poultry markets.

The National Meat & Poultry Processing Board Initiatives For Meat Industry:
The National Meat & Poultry Processing Board is fostering the sustainable development of the Meat and Poultry Processing Sector. It is helping the industry in setting up and modernizing abattoirs by providing technical consultancy for production of hygienic meat and meat products and for utilization of slaughterhouse wastes to prepare animal by products with value addition. Setting up quality control and analytical laboratories for meat and meat products to meet the required domestic and international market standards is also being undertaken. Meat producers and entrepreneurs are being promoted and trained to adopt Good Manufacturing Practices, Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points , ISO-22000 in meat production. Market surveys are undertaken to help the industry to create market intelligence, data base and its dissemination on regular basis for improvement of the meat sector.

APEDA's Perspective On Exports:
Animal Products plays an important role in the socio- economic life of India. It is a rich source of high quality of animal products such as milk, meat and eggs. India has emerged as the largest producer of milk with 16.43 percent share in total milk production in the world. It is also the largest population of milch animals in the world, with 112.9 million buffaloes, 157 million goat and 74.5 million sheep. Exports of animal products represent an important and significant contribution to the Indian Agriculture sector. The export of Animal Products includes Buffalo meat, Sheep/ Goat meat, Poultry products, Animal Casings, Milk and Milk products and honey.
India's exports of Animal Products were worth Rs. 20778.39 crore in 2012-13, which include the major products like Buffalo Meat (Rs. 17412.89 crore), Sheep/ Goat Meat (Rs. 425.66 crore), Poultry Products (Rs. 494.93 crore), Dairy Products (Rs. 1412.10 crore), Animal Casing (Rs. 18.37 crore), Processed Meat (Rs. 9.37 crore), Other Meat (Rs. 2.33 crore), and Natural Honey (Rs. 356.32 crore).
The demand for Indian buffalo meat in international market has sparked a sudden increase in the meat exports. Buffalo meat dominated the exports with a contribution of over 86%. The product registered 27% growth in export during the financial year 2012-13 as compared to the same period of last year. The main markets for Indian buffalo meat and other animal products are Vietnam Social Republic, Malaysia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Arab Republic.
In terms of export from India, Poultry Products, Processed Meat and Natural Honey recorded 7%, -28% and 11% growth respectively, during the financial year 2012-13 over the same period of last year. The major importing countries of these products were USA, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark.

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