Friday 4 July 2014

India And Milk Production Global Rank

India's milk production accounts for 16% approx. of the world total output. Constituting an important segment of the Indian rural economy, dairy and dairy products provide livelihood to millions of homes in villages and ensure supply of quality of milk and milk products to people of both urban and rural areas. The accelerated socioeconomic development during the 21st century is throwing up challenging issues
like food security, food safety, quality and their linkages with the national and international markets as the demand for food is increasing.

Government Schemes/Programmes:
Union Agriculture Minister had launched the ambitious Dairy Project named as “National Dairy Plan” Phase-I to increase the productivity of mulch animals and provide more revenues to India's 70 million small milk producers and upgrade milk processing plants in cooperatives and private sectors. The total amount of Rs. 2242 crores ($426 Million ) will be spent by International Development Association, World Bank and Govt. of India.

Milk production is growing at 3.3% while consumption is growing at 5% leaving a gap between demand and supply. We are sure that with the implementation of NDDB National Dairy Plan, Government. would be able to plug the gap between demand and supply.

Besides NDDB, other departments of the ministry like Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries are focusing on increasing the animal population, production and productivity as a thrust area, offering financial assistance to the organizations and departments working in dairy sector.

Ministry of Food Processing Industries also has its own programs targeting to increase the dairy processing and value added products in the country. In the fast changing world scenario and increasing competition, there is need to exploit the available resources to the maximum level and to use the best technologies, to cope up with the rising domestic demand for dairy products and to target export markets to become “ A Food Factory to the World.”

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